Saturday, January 8, 2011

Inside Out: How I Got Here

I have learned never to underestimate the power of the human imagination.  We are powerful beings, fully equipped from the beginning.  If this seems unrealistic, just consider it for a moment.  We are born curious and full of wonder.  We are amazed by not only the extraordinary, but the ordinary.  We delight in discovering the natural ebb and flow of events, from the rise and fall of our own breath, to the wax and wane of the moon, and to the cycle of the ever-changing seasons.  We are born ready to learn, or more precisely, to feel. 

My imagination has taken me all over the place.  Most recently, it has taken me down a path of self-discovery and healing.  Now it has taken me nearly thirty-two years to here, and that is fine by me.  I trust that I got to this place in good time.  I am joyously becoming. 

I am compelled to share what I learn because I find it much too facinating to keep to myself.  As individuals, we all have unique experiences to share.  Even though we are truly unique, we are more alike than we might believe.  We are the individual water droplets in the ocean - the ocean itself. I feel the connectedness, the oneness.  This idea is changing my life.  I am going inside myself, and applying what I am learning to the mundane. This is particularly amazing considering the obstacle challenging me in nearly every single aspect of my life.  I have obsessive-compulsive disorder.  My thoughts and behaviors are painfully dibilitating.  Still, for the first time, I have faith that I can live beyond OCD. 

The connection between us is palpable.  I am inspired by this very candid snapshot to look at the bigger picture.  Life feels remarkably different through a wider lens.  Reaching beyond my physical body, on this Earthly plane, has taken me from hopless to hopeful.  Suddenly the obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors seem so small compared to my Spirit.  I am discovering my personal power, and like the plates of the Earth, a shift occurs and big things happen.  Life is beginning to look very different.

I invite you to read this very personal and insightful blog.  I can assure you that I am not always this serious.  I have a sense of humor, and I am prepared to use it.  Also, I am not writing to impress anyone, just to inspire.  I hold opinions that are not necessarily shared by the majority.  My spiritual life may not be something easily understood.  I have a distinct passion for the truth, and so I will write authentically, however unflattering it may be at times. If you can handle that, I promise nothing less than my best.

Since I started this life from the inside out, it only seems appropriate to continue in that direction. Afterall, we began life with an unlimited imagination and an empty chalice.  We are often discouraged from using our imaginations at too young an age, and our chalices are full before we can process its contents.  We inevitably lose sight of our innate ability to tune into "all that is."  We forge on, investing our energies into achieving the goals we are told that we "need" to achieve, and to obtain the "things" that will somehow substatiate our "purpose" and give us fulfillment.  We lose sight of the big picture, and we become so involved with the details of our daily life that we forget our personal power.  We seek power and control externally, and we are told that we cannot trust our intuition.  Our awareness becomes limited as we become distracted. It can be difficult to tune into our bodies, our needs, and each other, not to mention other realms of being.  This journey is about turning myself inside out.  I am going inside to remember the way it was in the beginning - when everything made sense. I want to "just be." That sounds easy enough...doesn't it?


1 comment:

  1. Ruth....all I can say is wow!!! You are an amazing young lady. You are gifted in so many ways and writing is definetely one of them. Reading this was very eye opening and I am excited to read more from you. I love you.
